Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sugar Lips

So I don't know about you all, but I spend a ridiculous amount of time on Pintrest (btw you can follow me at 4incheshigh or Michelle Naik). I found this amazing at home lip scrub remedy that I tried and was successful! It's super easy, cheap, and you only need a few items! 

BTW, I also entered this blogger contest on LaurenConrad.com that one of my followers recommended to me. VOTE FOR ME! (Thanks Hina!)
Here's the link: http://www.laurenconrad.com/post/kohls-blogger-contest-lauren-conrad
 - If you guys see anything I'd be interested in or anything you want to share, or if you need fashion advice you can always email me at naik.michelle.com or contact me via twitter @4incheshigh! I would love to hear your input! 

What you'll need for the lip scrub:
1. half of a lemon or you can use lemon juice if you don't have it at home
2. Coconut Oil (you can get from anywhere)
3. Raw Sugar 
4. Honey

- Mix one teaspoon of Coconut Oil, Raw Sugar (1 packet), and Honey. You can always use more depending on how much you'd like to use. Another great thing about this lip scrub, is you can refrigerate it after using it and save some for later!
- Squeeze the lemon and mix
- Apply with your fingers. Don't go crazy scrubbing because you don't want to damage  your lips!
- After scrubbing for 30 seconds or so, rinse with warm water. P.S it's okay if you accidentley taste some of it. It tastes so good... speaking from personal experience haha.
- Once you're done, apply some lip balm to keep your lips moisturized. I purchased this lip balm from Sephora and it stays on for hours! It's great to use before going to bed.

I swear I'm such a Sephora junkie. I got this pore minimizing lotion by Benefit as a sample and have been LOVING it! I squeeze a small amount and use it in the areas where I feel necessary before applying makeup. It works wonders! Makes the makeup look flawless. Try it out and let me know what you think! 


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